1. My favorite photo is number 5. First, it shows depth of field, blurring the woman and rendering the sub clearly. Second, it shows lowered point of view, which is one of my three rules. Finally, it is very surreal, since we have a war submarine next to a sunbathing woman.
2. Number 9. It is very mysterious, dreamlike, and also shows that the photographer got close.
3. My best work is here: http://briantshen.blogspot.com/. It is the second photo under junior homecoming. It is my best photo since it is balanced, shows a different viewpoint, and has an of kilter look.
4. My three rules are viewpoint, depth of field, and Framing.
This picture shows my rules of viewpoint and depth of field. It is the third photo under the Second Portrait post.
6. Get close.
7. Smaller workloads for all
Build social skills
If around friends, less stress.
Finish work faster
Come up with new ideas
8. Communication errors.
May work with someone you hate
May have own ideas, but passed over
Inter group politics
9. This is my favorite work: http://estellkimdp.blogspot.com/2014/10/self-portrait.html
10. Carlton Watkins was a photographer who pioneered landscape photos, helping turn Yosemite into a national Park.
11. Migrant Mother, showing an immigrant mother. Taken in 1936, she was employed by the government of America.
12. 1883
13. January 8, 1935
14. Magnum Photos, which started at 1947.