Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Final Exam

1.  My trans formative photo is the portrait of lines. This is due to the fact that I started to explore bit more with my rules of composition. I started to take photo from different angles and tried to incorporate light into those photos.

2. The difference between shape and from is that shape is two dimensional object. A from is three dimensional, incorporating broth shape and texture.

3, Pattern and repetition are different since Pattern has a sequence of things repatriating, but repetition only has one thing repeating.

4. Movement is the suggestion that a subject in the photo is mioving, for example, this picture  shows movement since the group of people is walking. Movement should also include leading lines.

5.  My best project was the last one. It is my best since it shows dramatic lighting a a different viewpoint instead of the full frontal. This changed me since I started to use light and the effects, not just for lighting. I learned to see the effect of light differently.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Weebly review

This is my favorite photo from Period 1, from Deborah Chen, since it displays a sense of awe.

This is my favorite photo from Period 3, from Ethan Hu, since it again displays a sense of awe.


This is my favorite photo from Period 4, from Nisha Ramesh, since it again displays a sense of awe.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Project Proposal

I am doing four scenes from Skyfall. None of these scenes feature fighting. I have to create some photo composites for many of the scenes

1st: Morning, when there are cloudy skies

2nd: Whenever, but I need a bright light at one end

3rd: Whenever, bu I need a semi clear sky of some sort

4th: Whenever, But I need diffuse light from above

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Fashion Potrait

Hanson took and edited this.

I took and edited this one.

I took and edited this one.

Tommy took and edited this.

Hanson took and edited this.